Stalkers can also be found hiding amongst groups of machines, and they will often know you're there before you spot them. They can be found on their own or in groups of two or more. They are only found in the half of the map that has Meridian at the center of it. It's extremely weak to tear type arrows, so hitting it with Tearblast arrows will cause a lot of damage to the machine.Ī Stalker is a machine whose attacks are mainly based on stealth and ambush. This is easier to see if you use your focus to highlight the machine as it will be one of the things that turns yellow. The second weak spot is the Glinthawk's beak. This will leave it vulnerable to your attacks. If you destroy this with any arrow type, it will cause an explosion that will freeze the machine and any machine that is close to it. The weak spot is at the center of its chest and it's the Freeze Sac.

When it's on the ground, it often protects this spot with its wings. The main weak spot on a Glinthawk is only really accessible when it's up in the air. If all else fails then they will just dive bomb you and try to crush you.Firing ice attacks at you from the sky ( They do have an indicator for this attack - they let out a distinct sound that telegraphs it).They can fly, so they will evade your attacks much faster than other machines.They are extremely strong against any Freeze based attack, but weak against any Fire-based attack. If you hit these canisters with Fire-type arrows then it will cause an explosion of fire that will affect the machine and any other machines surrounding it. The easiest one to hit and the one that does the most damage to the machine is the set of Blaze Canisters situated on the back of the machine, near its rear. Can give a nasty kick from its front legs.Charging at you and attacking you with its antlers.They use their antlers to dig into the ground, and these antlers are the parts of them that you need to look out for. However, if they do decide to attack then they can be quite deadly. Their first instinct is to run from danger so Grazers are more likely to run than attack you. They can often be found in herds whilst grazing on grassy areas and are typically guarded by Watchers. It's very rare to find a Grazer that's alone. Grazers are another one of the games more docile machines that can be found in herds. If you destroy this it will take a huge chunk of the Scrapper's health away and it will remove its ability to scan for you, which will make it easier for you to hide. The next weak spot is on top of its body at the point where its back arches, also known as the Radar. If you shoot this part with Shock arrows then it will cause an explosion that will Shock any machines near it. The easiest one to hit is the Power Cell located at the rear of the machine. Scrappers have two main weak spots and both are clearly visible if you scan them with your focus. Can use its laser to fire at you in short bursts.The scanner can sense dead machines, so if you're hanging around some for too long then a Scrapper is sure to show up.It has a scanner that can pick you up if you're close to them, even if you're hiding.It will lunge at you and swipe its claws to try to hit you.Has a laser designed to help it cut metal, and it will use this against you in precise attacks.Tip: If you override one of these machines it can protect you against the rest of its pack. Resources are extremely useful as they can be used for anything from crafting ammunition to trading with Merchants for some really useful things. When you destroy a machine, you can loot it for different resources. All ammunition types work well against Watchers and Redeye Watchers.The Best Ammunition Types To Use Against Them If you're unsure of where you're aiming then use your focus to scan the machine, it will highlight the weak spot in yellow. If you shoot it accurately in the center of the lens, the entire machine will go down.

Watchers really only have one weak spot and that's their lens. They lunge themselves at Aloy's feet first, if they catch her it will hurt her a fair amount.She will be disoriented for a few seconds. A flash of light that they emit from their eyes can briefly deafen and blind Aloy.They can attack you by shooting at you from their eye.Once they are alerted to you, they will send out a warning that all machines nearby can hear.