There’s the added bonus of a USB port to charge your phone and you can connect via Bluetooth to stream music or podcasts. Whether you suffer from SAD or winter blues, this clock will work wonders to boost your mood as well as your energy levels and even your productivity. The multi-tasking product is also an alarm with 20 sound options, digital clock and nightlight – transforming from a warm glow to illuminate your room into a bright sunny space. The fading low-blue light signals the body and encourages it to produce melatonin so you doze off, switching between pink, orange and red before turning off. Not only will it rouse you in the most gentle and natural way possible – brightening 30 minutes before your alarm, but it will also help lull you to sleep. It’s actually a Class 1 graded medical device. The sunrise colors are equally stunning as the sunsets.

Like the ombre sunset color options, there is a selection of sunrise color palettes, too. All of the Hatch line offers it, but it is my favorite feature. Ideal for bad sleepers, this wake up light alarm clock is designed to help with insomnia. The Hatch Restore alarm clock (called Sunrise Alarm) is not unique to this device. They also tend to feature a whole host of other helpful functions like a variety of natural sounds, FM radio, varying colours, reading or mood light settings as well as charging ports in compact and contemporary designs that would look stylish on your bedside table. According to research commissioned by The Weather Channel and YouGov, one in three people in the UK are affected by this, especially in the winter months when early mornings and long hours sitting in an office can mean that you could go days without seeing daylight. Wake up alarms can also help those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as a form of light therapy. These devices may be small but they are mighty, where the effect of a slow summer sunrise encourages your body to stop producing the sleep hormone melatonin in favour of the mood-enhancing, feel-good hormone serotonin. Best clothes airers for drying laundry all year round: Heated and traditional options.Best electric blankets in the UK: heated over-blankets, under-blankets and duvets.Best electric heaters: The best electric radiators, fan heaters, convection and halogen lamps in the UK.We are often warned against sleeping with our phones anywhere near us – both for health reasons as well as the effect of blue light on our sleeping pattern – and a wake up alarm clock offers the perfect solution. New West End Company BRANDPOST | PAID CONTENT.